Today I had my second appointment with my new rheumatologist. I like her. Dr. Banerjee. At my last appointment she spent a lot of time with my husband and me. She was very thorough and did a full exam and workup. I could tell the whole time that she had a suspicion about my tentative Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease diagnosis. I was hopeful because I hate the harsh medication: plaquenil- an anti-malarial med.
I went through the exam and tests. I accepted her referrals to a dermatologist and physical therapist. My skin is always irritated in one way or another so I would love some relief. The physical therapy I could give or take. It is for joint and muscle pain, but I have seen them before to no avail. My derm appointment is soon. I am ready to feel better with better treatment at the root of the issues.
At the appointment today I got some unsettling news. After going through my medical records/history and reviewing my lab results she does not feel there is any rheumatological disease. GOOD NEWS plus no plaquenil. But......some electrolyte levels we low; sodium and potassium. In addition to my skin irritation, hyperpigmentation, and symptoms mimicking lupus, she strongly feels there is adrenal insufficiency. That is Addison's disease. BAD NEWS.
Doctors have been dancing around this with me for years. It is part of APS Type II. But I am not ready for more tests. She suggested another skin biopsy, this time of the vasculitis on my hands. Last time I had one of the face that proved hyperpigmentation. She also is going to speak to my endocrinologist about further testing. I have been tested before, but there is more they can do.
I lost it. I broke down and cried in her office. Blubbering, telling her I was glad to be relieved of one diagnosis, I am just not ready for more. ....or more tests and waiting. I thought I could have a break for a little while. But I want to feel better.
On a happy note, today is my seven week birthday after surgery. So far, so good.
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