One step at a time and we find our way. As many of you know, I have been dealing with unknowns for years now. More recently, about 4 or 5 months ago, my condition and weight became a much greater concern for my doctors and myself. The doctors started to push again for more answers. It began with an idea to insert a feeding tube because most of my symptoms throughout my body were flaring up in addition to continued weight loss on an already very thin body. The feeding tube turned out to be a no-go but that got the ball rolling in other directions. A referral to Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland with the #3 leading gastroenterologist/ functional medicine doctor in the country along with a referral to an internal medicine doctor/ gastroenterologist in Dallas, TX to be evaluated for a gastric stimulator. I have trudged my way through this jungle of unknowns and we finally have a clear view, I am so proud to announce.
I was worried that I would not be able to make my uncle's memorial services after his death last month because I was feeling so awful and so weak. God has His hand on everything. The Dallas gastroenterologist called just days before the services and wanted to begin the testing necessary to be approved for the gastric stimulator. I was able to attend my uncle's service as well as take care of the testing. "What did the testing show?", you might be saying. Well, I am in need of the gastric stimulator. After fasting for more than 12 hours, I still had food in my stomach when he tried to conduct an endoscopy (most people move food from their stomach to the small intestine in 30-90 minutes). A Smart Pill study was conducted as well. It showed that food stayed in my stomach for 17 hours or more. When the results were reviewed I was able to come home, just in time to prepare for Baltimore.
About a week after returning from Texas, I was headed in Baltimore's direction with high anxiety about Johns Hopkins and what this doctor would say. His name is Gerard Mullin. He wrote a book, Inside Tract, that was recommended to me a few years back. He is a functional medicine doctor, which means he uses not only western medicine but also nutritional and holistic treatments as well. I was afraid he was going to offer me some outrageous diet that would be impossible to adhere to in rural America or that something even more remarkable would be recommended. To my surprise, he agreed with the path I am on. He agreed with the Dallas doctor saying, "The gastric stimulator is a must." He went on to offer a recommendation that I see a naturopathic doctor as well as a nutritionist specially trained in diabetics and gastroparetics. His explanation was, food stays in my stomach so long without the aid of stomach acid or any enzymes to break it down or kill bacteria. The food ferments in my stomach before moving on to my small intestine, carrying dangerous bacteria. The goal is to balance out the bacteria in my gut all together and with that I should feel better on a day to day basis.
So, here I am. Five years after being sent to the Mayo Clinic thinking I was only a Type I diabetic. Five years after thinking that everyone around me, including my doctors, were being dramatic about my health. Five years after being terrified by hearing the words "Mayo Clinic", thinking only people who are near death go there. I was wrong. I was ignoring many symptoms and trying to push through. I was the dramatic one thinking only people near death are seen at the Mayo Clinic. Five years of diagnosis on top of diagnosis on top of life style changes and more life style changes. Five years after thinking no one would figure out what was wrong until it was too late. Well, guess what! We have answers. Not just partial answers, but the full picture is finally in view. The full picture is now in view AND all the specialists, with all their egos, agree. Now, I can exhale and it is such a relief!
The end result? Can you relate to any of this? We can help each other.
I am Lauren.
I am 30 years old.
I have Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type II (Schmidt Syndrome).
I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis treated with hormone replacement medications.
I have Type I diabetes treated with insulin through an insulin pump.
I have Interstitial Cystitis in remission currently.
I have Epilepsy treated with anti-convulsants and natural remedies.
I have Celiac Disease treated with a strict gluten free diet.
I have Undifferentiated Connective Tissue disease treated with an antimalarial.
I have Pernicious Anemia treated with B-12 injections and an ulcer preventing medication.
I have pancreatic insufficiency treated with digestive enzymes.
I have gastroparesis currently being treated with Erythromycin, but soon to be treated by the gastric stimulator.
I have inflammatory bowel disease (not currently labeled as Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis) currently being treated with pain management due to it likely being caused by the lack of digestion in my upper digestive tract.
I have an autonomic nervous system disorder treated with anti-convulsants as well.
I have a husband and a beautiful son.
I enjoy music, the outdoors, and family.
Learning is a passion.
I like to read.
Finding the good in every person comes naturally along with naivety, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am Lauren.
We have answers. We have direction. We have something tangible to hold on to and move forward. I feel like I can finally accept what is going on. I feel like I can relax and let the doctors take over. I can settle in to a new normal. Life is ever changing, but a life style is the hardest thing to change. I feel ready to take on the world and hopeful that my strong mind will strengthen my body as we begin new treatment. I feel empowered. Five years ago, getting to the bottom of this seemed so far off, impossible really. I struggled, I suffered, I whined and complained, I had melt-downs, I denied, I kept going, and I finally feel myself starting to shine through again.
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine